Yazmin Conchas Named Student Employee of the Year

Apr 9, 2024

Yazmin Conchas has been selected as Western Nevada College’s 2024 Overall Student Employee of the Year.  

In previous years, one student worker has been honored during Student Employee Appreciation Week in April. This year, however, multiple students were honored for the different skills that they bring to each department that they serve.

Conchas is touched by the award and enjoys working with members of the Controller's Office team.

"It is a true privilege to have been nominated Student Employee of the Year," she said. "I am grateful to have the chance to work alongside the Controller's Office team as they have shown me their patience and appreciation. This award is a testament to the values that my parents have always taught me about diligence and determination; it is an honor to be recognized for my contributions."

Conchas was joined by other honorees, including:

Additional students were nominated for these awards. They included:

Temple Campana, WNC’s scholarship and student employment coordinator, appreciated the many nominations of outstanding student workers.

“Congratulations to our WNC Student Employee Team of Excellence! Many of them received numerous nominations and this recognition is well-deserved. These outstanding student employees were honored at the ASWN Awards & Appreciation Banquet on April 19,” she said.