Student Support

Student support programs are available to help you transition into being a first-time college student.

Cohort Structure

Students will be grouped together in a cohort and take the same classes in their first semester.

Success Course

This class is designed to give students additional guidance as they begin pursuing their academic and career goals.

Complete the Form to Get Started!

The First Year Experience (FYE) sets a foundation for first-time college students to be successful by engaging them in programs that support academic growth, utilize campus resources, prioritize personal wellbeing, and build meaningful relationships. The First Year Experience helps students feel connected to the campus and empowers them to use WNCs resources to reach their goals. Orientation can go only so far in making freshmen feel connected. WNC instills FYE into the curriculum by offering first-year seminars or other programs that bring small groups of students together with faculty or staff on a regular basis.

Latino Leadership Academy student eating lunch

El programa Latino Leadership Academy (LLA) de WNC ofrece apoyo individual a los Latinos de primera generación con la transición de la preparatoria al colegio. LLA da la oportunidad a los estudiantes para tomar las mismas clases con estudiantes de culturas similares.

Latino Leadership Academy es parte de First Year Experience (FYE) donde el estudiante tiene la ayuda y apoyo en su clases en su primer año. FYE ayuda a los estudiantes que ingresan al colegio por primera vez tengan éxito en su carrera académica. FYE ayuda a los estudiantes al involucrarse en programas relacionados con el crecimiento académico, conocer el campus del colegio, y crear conexiones con otros estudiantes. La experiencia del primer año hace que el estudiante se sienta conectado con el campus y cómo usar los recursos del colegio.

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